- PORTABLE LIVE SONAR - Includes everything but the Display. Perfect for Ice Fishing, Canoeing, and Kayaking.
- SEE FISH REACT IN REAL TIME - ActiveTarget Live Sonar mean you can watch fish in real time, helping you make needed adjustments to catch more than ever before!
- PREMIUM EXPLORER BAG with included Shuttle Frame stores all of the needed components, included your display, for an all-in-one solution
- FISH FOR HOURS - Includes a 24Ah lithium battery to power your ActiveTarget and Display while fishing
- USE WITH DISPLAYS UP TO 9" - Utilize ActiveTarget with HDS-Live or Elite FS 7 and 9 inch displays
The Explorer Series brings the ultimate in live sonar technology in one convenient pack designed to make your ice fishing experience the best it can be. The pack includes an ActiveTarget™ Live Sonar, premium Explorer Series bag and frame, Ice Transducer Pole for ActiveTarget™ Down, Forward or Scout views, a 24 Ah lithium battery with dual USB charging ports and built-in voltage meter, along with custom wiring harness, master power switch and ethernet cable.